Episode 60: Peanut Butter Pie & 2018 Food Trends

After a chat with a loyal listener, Stefin wonders if she and Andrea could each come up with a list of their 10 favorite Preheated episodes. Stay tuned to see if your hosts are up to this challenge. Listeners: Let us know some of your favorite episodes! Maybe it was the featured recipes that delighted […]

Episode 56: Candy for Everyone!

Stefin’s back from International Night at her daughter’s middle school, and reports the stand-out treat, on a night filled with delicious Israeli jelly donuts, Dutch pancakes, British gin and tonics, New Zealand Marmite and yes, American Coors Light, was the beloved national candy of Brazil: brigadeiros! It’s a chocolate truffle-like, bite-size candy that’s worth seeking […]

Episode 47: Nothing Says Fall Like a (Pumpkin) Donut

It’s October and Andrea is keeping cozy in the kitchen making homemade pantry items — granola, mayonnaise and a dried mushroom powder that’s perfect for sprinkling on eggs, veggies and popcorn. In London, Stefin is plowing through the six pounds (!) of wheat germ she (mistakenly) ordered with batches of granola and muffins. And both […]