Episode 177: Pineapple Upside Down Skillet Cake

We’ve heard  you, Listeners, and know you’re counting on us to keep the baking conversation going strong, even in uncertain times. So that’s what we intend to do. In addition to our weekly episodes, check out the new resource on our website Quarantine Baking for answers to some of our most-received questions about substitutions, ingredients, and relevant recipes.

Review: Pineapple Upside Down Skillet Cake from King Arthur Flour

In a Preheated first, moments before recording this episode, Stefin and Andrea realized they’d inadvertently baked two different (though very similar) versions of this King Arthur classic. (Follow the recipe that Stefin used, which calls for 1-2/3 cup flour and 1 T of vanilla, to avoid some of Andrea’s quibbles.) Despite that, both loved making this beautiful dessert in their cast-iron skillets. If you have a very heavy skillet, like Stefin, you may need a helper at flipping time. If you have a child, like Andrea, you may like a helper at preparation time. This is a lovely cake for the new baker or seasoned pro. There’s a reason this is an iconic dessert, much-loved by all.

This Week’s Bake Along: Flapper Pie from Allrecipes.com

Though originating in the Canadian plains in the 19th century, this vanilla cream pie was rebranded “Flapper Pie” in the 1920s. It’s a no-bake, and, because of its graham-cracker crust, is a great starter pie if you’re unsure about homemade pastry (and it’s also flour free!). Though fans of cream pies, Andrea and Stefin have never made a vanilla cream version, so are looking forward to this straightforward recipe. Bake along and let us know how this Canadian classic turned out in your kitchen!

Intimidation Station: Custards and Meringue

Just in time for this week’s bake along, Stefin and Andrea stop by the Intimidation Station to tackle custard and meringue basics so you can whip up the Flapper Pie with ease.

Previously on Preheated …

Three Years Ago: Episode 28: Everything is Bigger in Texas, Including Cake

Two Years Ago: Episode 76: A Cake Worth Celebrating

One Year Ago: Episode 125: Posh Pop Tarts

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4 thoughts on “Episode 177: Pineapple Upside Down Skillet Cake

  1. You mentioned you both use the same type of ice cream maker. What model is it? Thanks!

      1. It looks like most places are sold out of them! I guess lots of people are making quarantine ice cream 🙂

        1. Oh that’s a shame! You may be able to find one at a thrift store. If it didn’t come with the insert, I believe you can order those separately. We’ve done a few no-churns over the years and we’re up with another in a few weeks, so take a look in older June and July episodes, and stay tuned!

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